Probably a year ago I noticed something that looked like a little zit hovering over my top lip.
It was all red and never came to a head and I just figured it wold heal eventually…but after about a year it was still there.
Because it wasn’t too big I was mostly able to ignore it but the fact that it was so close to my lip and so red always made it look like my lipstick was applied badly (which isn’t great for a so called makeup artist!)
It started to really bother me and it didn’t seem that any amount of concealer would cover it for long.
I had a friend tell me I should go see a dermatologist and get it taken care of…which I put off doing for months!
Finally a few weeks ago I had a few comments referring to my lipstick being sloppy and decided I’d procrastinated long enough!
I called and made and appointment and a few days later walked into his office.
He took one quick look at my lip and said I had a Cherry Angioma and he could zap it for me in a hot minute.
He said it might leave a little white mark but it would probably be much less noticeable than the red one.
It’s only been two weeks but there is a teensy mark where he zapped it.
Exhibit A:
After spending about a year being subtly bugged by it and then having it taken care of in less than 10 minutes (plus it was covered by insurance) I really felt the need to share incase anyone else had something similar!
Plus it’s always a good idea to get these things checked incase it’s something more serious.
Happy Tuesday!!!